We are currently making time slots available for "your preaching" on JESUS JAMZ - 316.FM ---> Instantly expand your audience!

  • Broadcast Your Message
  • Weekly on JesusJamz - 316FM
  • 15 Minutes of Airtime
  • Sermons/Preaching/Teaching
  • Christian "Talk" Content Only
  • Sunday Time Slots Only
  • Complete Start Up Support

Per Month

Get Started
  • Broadcast Your Message
  • Weekly on JesusJamz - 316FM
  • Up to 60 Minutes of Airtime
  • Sermons/Preaching/Teaching
  • Christian Talk + Music/Worship
  • Professional Intro's / Outro's
  • Complete Church Services

Per Month

Get Started
  • Broadcast Your Message
  • Up to 2 Time Slots Per Week
  • Up to 90 Minutes of Airtime
  • Sermons/Preaching/Teaching
  • Christian Related Programming
  • Professional Audio Editing
  • Complete Church Services

Per Month

Get Started

Note! Prices may vary from location to location due to local taxation laws and conversion rates from U.S. Dollars.

Questions About Getting Started

Everything you need to know about pricing and getting set up

Complete Set Up and Ongoing Support

We offer free consultation for complete set up of your broadcast on our radio stations. We also offer unlimited support for as long as you broadcast with us. You are never alone and have found a true friend in 316.FM. You can now broadcast hassle-free!

What can I expect as I get started?

You can expect that your project will be handled with the utmost care and respect. We will pray with you and help you to get started. We will strongly encourage you in ways that will make you ready for broadcasting, but also strengthen you and your ministry in ways that you never thought possible. We guarantee you will get more out of this adventure with us than you can possibly put in - our God is that good! When God wins through you, we all win!

What Can I broadcast?
You must have the desire to broadcast the Word Of God for the purpose of expanding the kingdom of Jesus Christ. We don't work with people that have any other goal. Our God is creative and we will partner with anyone that is desiring to broadcast Christian related programming. We accept church services, sermons, Christian Music Programs, Creative story telling, and anything else that that has true biblical value. If it is of value to God, it is of value to us. For the protection of our listeners, we do not allow cults such as Jehovah Witness, Jesus Christ of Ladder day Saints, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Free Masons, etc to broadcast on our networks. We also do not allow any secular music of any kind - it either has a Christian message or it doesn't. If music has Christian Lyrics, it is Christian. Period. All styles are welcome and we do not limit creativity, but must attempt to accurately proclaim Jesus as Lord. We do not accept anything unbiblical and are the absolute final authority on what is aired or not aired on our network.
What time slot will I be aired in?

This will depend a lot on your hearts desire for timing. We ask that you pray about who you will be reaching and when will give you the widest listening audience. It also depends on your programming and when it can be made ready for airing.

What kinds of Radio Programs are you looking for?

This is where we encourage you to expand what you are currently doing to include radio. If you currently preach to a small group every week, then consider what it would be like to add a thousand dedicated people to that weekly meeting. If you have ever wanted to expand your audience, then consider this to be your God Given Golden Opportunity to learn not only how to help you broadcast on our radio stations, but also refine your message.

What Do I Need to Get Started?
You will need to demonstrate in some fashion that you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Past that, we say welcome to the team! God has a special plan for you and your ministry and believe he has brought you to this website so that you can be encouraged and prepared to take the gospel to the nations. Many people ask us what equipment will be needed and wonder how expensive the equipment might be. How we answer that is by asking what God asked Moses "What do you have in your hand?". Moses answered all he had was as stick, but God told him to throw it down on the ground and watch what happens. It turns out that ordinary stick was actually the ROD OF GOD and eventually it parted the Red Sea, provided water in the wilderness, and was used to defeat the greatest enemy of the time. So, what do you have in your hand to record with? That device is about to become God's instrument of pain to the enemy. While we can recommend equipment, you can very much start with what you already have.

Still have a question? We are ready to help you with anything that you might need.